Coffee Spoons

Life Updates, Thesis statements, observations, and mini-essays. Posted Weekly. Except when they are not.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Grow Young! Be Inspired! Explore a New Genre! Abandon Your Preconceived Notions of Literature!

What did you do today, dear?

Why, honey, I explored a new genre and abandoned my preconceived notions of literature.

Ooooh. . .come over here close and tell. . me. . .all. . .about. . .it!

Go see the movie. Read this article. Go to your local comic store buy some comics. You'll thank me. You're welcome.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

June 2005

One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Completes (began Jan 2003) studies at Towson University and receives Masters of Science in Instructional Technology (fancy name for school librarian).

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

July 2005

One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Gets early 40th birthday gift: eschews midlife crisis sports car, and opts instead for ceramic braces to fix front snaggle tooth and correct my "British smile."

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

August 2005

One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Starts work as a new elementary school media specialist (fancy name for librarian).

Monday, June 19, 2006

September 2005

One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Works ass off. Gets used to life in the elementary lane (it's faster than you'd think!).

Sunday, June 18, 2006

October 2005

One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Work like a dog, Also, one of our neighbors runs over our car . . . with his feet. Leaves foot dents on hood, roof, and trunk. This is much funnier now than at the time.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

November 2005

One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Worky worky but take some time for turkey.

Friday, June 16, 2006

December 2005
One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Work like a sweat-shop elf; meet up and take winter vacation for 3 days in Las Vegas with mom and Bill.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

January 2006
One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Happy New Year! Back to work. No similes. Just busy.
February 2006

One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Turn 40 and make plans to visit New York for our birthdays. New neighbors below move in -- they smoke like burning Iraq oil fields. Added bonus: they're door - slammers, stereo - boomers, and drink - on - the - veranda - partiers - turns - to - heated - family - argumenters. Blizzard up and down coast cancels our New York plans. Beth and Mitch both get first sinus infections related to bad weather outside and bad air inside.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

March 2006
One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

So much smoke coming in through vents and floor we must run two air filters 24/7. Furniture and clothes (in closets and coming out of dryer vents) smell like smoke. Condo board is sympathetic, but it's not illegal to smoke even if it's making us sick. Cost of sealing entire condo (floors, pipes, vents) prohibitive and no guarantee it could keep toxic air out. Come to conclusion that, while up to this point we've enjoyed a polite bubble of retired or upwardly mobile neighbors and escaped the downward spiral of rest of the neighborhood, it is time to move on. Put condo on market. Same week Washington Post and New York Times publish series of articles about how east coast real estate market bubble has burst and warns people away from condos as poor investments. Thanks. Great timing, folks.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

April 2006
One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Begin adjusting to life lived in a "model home." Everyday is Saturday cleaning day. Dust, scrub, hide everything in drawers, and vacuum carpet so often it gets a rash. Sadly, few visitors.

Cash in February rain checks and spends a few days in New York.

See a show.
Get drunk at the Algonquin.

Visit the critters at the Bronx Zoo.

Monday, June 12, 2006

May 2006
One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

Few visitors to Condo. Stinky air makes it sooooooo attractive those that do. Cats now nicotine addicted. We lower the asking price. Still few visitors. However, my student's entry into MCPS media festival take third in its division. Not bad for first time out of the gate. Score extra points with principal.

For kicks, buy an iPod and now understand what all the fuss is about. Become addicted to iTunes.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

June 3, 2006

One year timeline of me: what you've been missing
Takes a little trip to Baltimore celebrating anniversary. Stays at Harbor. Catches dinner and a show at Ram's Head Live on Friday. Got caught in a rainstorm on walk back to hotel. Saturday: Shops, sightsees, and scores box seats to to watch the feeble O's lose to the Yankee's. All very exciting, fun, happy and good times! Best of all, a nights sleep in the non-smoking wing of the hotel. A night of fresh, ocean air. Priceless!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

June 5 thru 16 2006

One year timeline of me: What you've been missing

We find buyers for condo!

Next weekend go out with agent looking at townhouses. See many in our financial safe zone that are okay. Of course, find an ideal townhome that's just a wee bit too pricey. Crunch numbers, get financial advice, and realize what a deal it is when looking at the long term view. Emotionally hyperventilate. Then, find courage. Make the deal.

Friday, June 09, 2006

June 2006


Teachers finally leave and can finally complete extra duty days closing up library with some quiet and concentrate on the book order. After first year, feel even more confident about career change.

In evenings, pack, pack, pack.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Coffee Spoons: Pith and Vinegar Potato Chips Edition

  1. The idea works like this: I do or think of something interesting.
  2. I'll write it down here.
  3. You check it out and will know what's going on.
  4. If you're someone who cares about me, you now know what's going on between infrequent letters and phone calls.
  5. If you'ra a stranger surfing the net, you're inspired and awed. You sooo wish you were me.